Joy and Abundance – Kundalini Yoga Course for Amazing Life
Start your New Year by opening your heart through a very special set of Kundalini Yoga kriyas, meditations each time ended with GONG relaxation.
6 powerful, life changing sessions!
Thursdays 7:00-9:00pm
from 09.01-13.02.2020
‘The best way to explain prosperity is to say it is like a rosebud when it flowers and opens up to share its fragrance…..When a man or woman is prosperous, it is the fragrance of security, grace, depth, character and truthfulness that a person can share. Like a candle emits light, a human emits prosperity.’ – Yogi Bhajan
To be prosperous and joyful is to be overflowing with an ‘attitude of gratitude’ for the precious gift of life. In order to feel utterly abundant we must be fully in touch with the spirit of generosity. Sharing selflessly with others, for the sheer joy of giving opens us up to receiving cosmic gifts from the universe that money can’t buy!
Walking the path of the soul and fulfilling ones true destiny with contentment, ease and grace is the purest and most precious wealth we can ever hope to manifest. The universe holds all the jewels of good fortune and is patiently waiting to place them in your crown, when you decide that you are ready to step into your magnificence and shine your brightest light.
Yogi Bhajan, master of Kundalini yoga gave us most remarkable technology to help us navigate our way through life in a bountiful and blissful way.
It’s going to be very powerful and very joyful experience .
Each session we start with beautiful opening mantra, followed by pranayama (specific breathing exercise), Kriya for prosperity, gong relaxation and a mantra to clear blocks and invite abundance and joy, ending with blessing mantra.
Those sessions will be mentally and physically challenging but not require any former experience, just lot of will power, stamina and determination. The more energy and commitment you put in, the greater the benefits and the deeper the healing will penetrate.
You may want to dive deeper into those 6 weeks £120
or 1 session £30
Address :
Buddhist Vihara Center
The Avenue
London, Chiswick W4 1UD
for tickets click link below:
Joy and Abundance Course Booking
Teacher :
Wioletta Diamondheart aka Jai Dev Karam Kaur is a fully qualified and certified KRI level 1 & 2 Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher, she teaches Kundalini Yoga for Conscious Pregnancy and Shakti Dance, Member of KYTA, IKYTA, SDTA, Holistic & Ayurvedic Therapist, Enthusiastic Traveller, Spiritual Healer & Intuitive Life Coach.
Wioletta is dynamic and passionate about life and its transformations. Her energy and enthusiasm for the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as thought by Yogi Bhajan is deeply motivating and encouraging. She teaches from the heart and from her own experience. She directs her classes to inspire the students, to enable each participant to catch the glimpse of their own true self and find The Master within.
Wioletta brings the essence of everyday life into her classes, sharing Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations that are relevant to the changes we face in the world, so we are able to withstand the pressure of times, live in joy and find peace within.
Her passion for life, people and commitment to serve others creates a high vibrational sacred space for healing and transformation to occur in a safe space.