‘ve been doing morning yoga meditations with Wioletta since the first set in autumn last year and I can’t recommend them enough. I’d been familiar with yoga before and had been practising regularly before but only after adding it to my daily routine I noticed its significant influence on my self-consciousness and ability to see and understand the patterns in my life. It was a turmoil of events, thoughts and emotions at the beginning which gradually is changing into a feeling of having a better control over my own life. For me it’s still a long way to go, but I think I can already say that the practise with Wioletta and her teachings and personal support is a very powerful way to get out of an internal and external mess, gain clarity and focus on what’s important. It’s definitely not the easiest way, but the results appear and they are the best motivation for further journey into a true self and a better life.
And for those who are lucky to manage their own time but are struggling a bit with that – there’s nothing better than this practice in adding some structure and positive vibe to your day. Sat Nam