„I would definitely recommend this practice to anyone looking to make changes in life. Firstly, it teaches you discipline, as you need to get up every day and do your regime. Secondly, it gives you 1 hr of “ME” time which we all need. Thirdly, reducing tension and stress in your body, kundalini yoga has been proven to lower cortisol level, that is a fact/science. This special Kun­dalini yoga prac­tice with pranayama, mantras, and med­i­ta­tion along with gong relax­ation will assist in bal­anc­ing cor­ti­sol levels. It can also transform your life as it has transformed mine. What it gave me: decreased judgment about others and myself, decreased my anxiety, decreased the need to control all aspects of my life. Increased ability to let go things, Increased my awareness /consciousness, increased my ability to speak my truth ? improved my patience, gratitude, and appreciation, and the list goes on….I am very grateful to Wioletta for organising this online group. The group energy is very powerful.
There is a Buddhist proverb: ”When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Thank you Wioletta for coming to my life.

Anna ”