Dear Wioletta,
I would like to thank you for the 40 days Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Practise.
It is very hard to tell to all the lots of things, what happened, but I am trying to write down the most I remember.
I had always trouble with meditation. In the very beginning, during the yoga session, it was coming a clear voice in my head that go to TM course. And 2 day later I was on the meditation course. Since that I was am making the mediation every day.
I have many new plan in my had, what I wrote down for the hole year. And if a new idea was coming I changes much easier, and faster than before. That flexibility makes my life much easier.
I had funny dreams, usually from about the past unclosed situations and people.
In the day I felt calmer than before. When I had to travel, or because of other reason I couldn’t do yoga, I was very missing inside.
I was going every day to the hospital to help someone, it was taking a lot of energy from me, but when I was coming home, and maid the yoga it just top up my energy again.
My thinking habit changed to more positive, I felt happier inside.
One of the most important changes that I forgot to think about my illness.
For me one of the most powerful session was, what you maid on the beach. It was making me cry also.
I am going for the second interview on the 10 of April, and will probably war as a care for elderly people in the UK. That is why now I will continue to do the last yoga session a while, until I settle down.
Thank you very much for the kindness, support and all the thinks, what you given to me during the sessions.
I am sending lots of love to you, and maybe see you in person in the London.
